Hand Nodon

Want to grab something?
I'll be your helping hand!
If you call up this Nodon…
This Nodon will place a hand line on the game screen. The line will move according to the tilt of a wirelessly connected Joy-Con controller.
Port name | Port function | Input operation |
Grab | If a value other than 0.00 is received at this port, the hand will grab whatever the hand line is currently pointing at. However, objects in connection groups that include a Game-Screen Nodon, a Camera Nodon, or a Camera-Position Nodon cannot be grabbed. If the hand grabs an object in a connection group that includes a Camera-Target Nodon, the camera's target will not change while the object is grabbed. | Determines whether a signal is or is not equal to 0.00 |
Forward/ Backward | Moves the grabbed object back or forth, depending on the input. Plus values will move the object forward, minus values back. Measured in meters per second. | Restricted to between -1,000.00 and 1,000.00. |
Port name | Port function |
Upper connection port | Connect this port to the lower connection port of another Nodon to physically link objects. Connected objects will be treated as gripped objects, gripped from the start. It's not possible to drop a connected object. You can only connect one object per port. Object Nodon, Fancy-Object Nodon, Text-Object Nodon, Number-Object Nodon, Moving-Object Nodon, Rotating-Object Nodon, Play-Sound Nodon, Effect Nodon, All-Sensor Nodon, Extending-Object Nodon, Destroy-Object Nodon, Teleport-Object-Entrance/Exit Nodon, and Attract-Object Nodon can connect to this connection port only with their lower connection ports. It cannot connect to groups that include a Camera-related Nodon. |
Controller Number
Select which controller to check.
Setting value | Description |
1 to 4 | Checks the controller with the selected number. |
Auto | Changes the controller to be automatically checked, depending on connection status. See also: Automatic Switching between Controllers |
Which Controller?
Sets which Joy-Con to check.
Sets the type of grip.
Setting value | Description |
Hold | Grips the object as long as an input other than 0.00 is received. When 0.00 is received, the object will be dropped. |
Toggle | If an input with a value other than 0.00 is received when nothing is gripped, the hand will grip an object. It will continue to grip, even if a value of 0.00 is received. If an input with a value other than 0.00 is received when something is gripped, the hand will release the object. |
Carrying Style
Sets the orientation and position for gripped objects.
Setting value | Description |
Precise | The object will keep its position and orientation even after being gripped. |
Snappy | Resets the orientation and position, then grips. The orientation will be determined by the object's connection point. The position will be determined by the Snap Distance setting. |
Snap Distance
Sets the position of the grabbed object.
Can be set between 0.00 and 100.00. Measured in meters.
Only takes effect when Carrying Style is set to Snappy or an object is physically connected.
Center of Rotation
Sets where changes in the tilt angle of the Joy-Con will be reflected on the in-game hand.
You can choose from Wrist, Elbow, or Shoulder.
Selecting Wrist will result in smaller movements, while Shoulder makes larger movements.
Launch Speed
Sets the amount of force that is applied to gripped objects on release. Objects will be sent flying on release due to this power.
You can set between 0.00 and 100.00. Measured in meters per second.
The hand’s line will be moved with the motion sensor of a wirelessly connected Joy-Con.
Point the Joy-Con at the screen and move it up, down, left, and right.
You can call up to eight Hand Nodon per game.