Teleport-Object-Entrance Nodon

I cast any object I touch into the void of subspace.
Port name | Port function | Input operation |
Teleport | If a value other than 0.00 is received at this port, objects in contact with the entrance will be teleported to the exit with the corresponding Teleport ID. If nothing is connected to this port, a constant input value of 1.00 will be assumed. | Determines whether a signal is or is not equal to 0.00 |
Port name | Port function |
Lower connection port | This is a special type of port that physically links objects generated by Nodon on the game screen. Connect it to the upper connection port of another Nodon to link them. When connected to this port, the object will be physically linked to the target object. Person Nodon, Car Nodon, UFO Nodon, Object Nodon, Fancy-Object Nodon, Text-Object Nodon, Number-Object Nodon, Moving-Object Nodon, Rotating-Object Nodon, Head Nodon, and Hand Nodon can physically connect to this Nodon only with the upper connection port. |
Teleport ID
Sets which Teleport-Object-Exit Nodon this Nodon will teleport objects to.
You can set it between A and H.
Object Shape
Sets the shape.
You can choose from Box, Cylinder, or Sphere.
Sets the properties of objects.
Visible and Can Be Grabbed by Hand Nodon? can be enabled or disabled.
Solid, Movable, Destructive, and Destructible are always disabled.
Play Sound When Hit/Destroyed? is always set to Don’t play.
See also: About Properties
Connection Point
Sets how the objects physically connect to each other. A connection point is defined based on an object’s face.
Setting value | Description |
Auto | Chooses the closest connection points of the objects automatically based on factors such as location, orientation, and size of the objects. |
Manual | The objects will be joined by the faces set in the Own Connection Point and Target Connection Point options. |
Own Connection Point
The face indicated on this object will join to the face indicated in the Target Connection Point option.
You can choose from Center, X-, X+, Y-, Y+, Z-, or Z+.
Only effective when Connection Point is set to Manual.
Target Connection Point
The face indicated on the target object will join to the face indicated in the Own Connection Point option.
You can choose from Center, X-, X+, Y-, Y+, Z-, or Z+.
Only effective when Connection Point is set to Manual.
Teleport What?
Sets the type of objects that will be checked.
You can enable multiple types.
If you enable multiple object types, they’ll all be teleported.
Setting value | Description |
Box Cylinder Sphere | Checks objects with the specified shapes, whether they're simple objects, text objects, number objects, moving objects, or rotating objects. |
Person Car UFO | Checks the types of characters specified. |
Crate Shipping Container Dice Panel Treasure Chest Television Joy-Con (R) Joy-Con (L) Soccer Ball Golf Ball Balloon Apple Turnip Fish Fluffball Alien Traveler Cheerleader Diver Mermaid Robot Sorceress Yeti Sumo Wrestler Hoop Arrow Rocket Pencil Tuna Chick Hippo Bear | Checks fancy objects with the specified appearance. |
Sets the size of an object.
When the object’s shape is set to Box, you’ll be able to set the X, Y, and Z dimensions separately.
When the object’s shape is set to Cylinder, the ratio between X and Z will be fixed, but their ratios to Y can be adjusted.
When the object’s shape is set to Sphere, the ratio between X, Y, and Z will be fixed.
X, Y, and Z can be set to between 0.10 and 10.00. Measured in meters.
Determines the position of the object at the time of game start or after a reset.
X, Y, and Z can each be set to between -100.00 and 100.00.
Measured in meters.
However, if Movable is enabled and the world’s shape is set to Plane, Dome, Cuboid, or Cylinder, the Y value will be adjusted so that objects lower than Y: 0 aren’t embedded into the ground.
Sets the orientation of the object at game start or after a reset.
The X, Y, and Z axes can each be set between -180.00° and 180.00°.
Teleporting without an Exit
If there is no exit with an ID corresponding to the one set for this Nodon, the object will disappear completely.
This won’t count as an object break, therefore it won’t be detected by Nodon such as the Object-Break Nodon.
Teleporting Multiple Objects in a Single Entrance
If multiple objects enter a teleport entrance, they’ll be teleported at a rate of one per frame.
Single Objects in Multiple Teleport Entrances
If a single object is in contact with multiple teleport entrances at once, a destination will be chosen with the following priority.
- Entrances with no exit
- The closest entrance
- Alphabetically from the Teleport ID
Connections and Warped Objects
When a connected object is teleported to its assigned teleport exit, the whole series of connected objects (connection group) will also be teleported, including objects that would be outside the usual scope of the teleport if they were single objects.
Only objects set as targets for teleportation will be checked to see if they’re in contact with the teleport entrance.
The parent object of the connection group will be teleported to the exit.
If a teleport exit has not been assigned, only the targeted objects that are in contact with a teleport entrance will be teleported into nothingness.